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Day 121

Day 121

Distance hiked today: 25.6 miles / 41.2 km.

After a great breakfast of eggs and sausages, we reluctantly packed up to get back to trail. Then proceeded to hang out with Alissa at the trailhead for a while, procrastinating until after 10am πŸ˜….
But, we got the miles in. Passed the 2300 mile marker, crossed a river on a log, and saw some elk in a meadow (too far for a photo).
Giggles was telling me the weather forecast - 20% chance of rain for tomorrow. Not even 1 minute later, it starts to rain on us πŸ˜‚. This is why I never bother to look at the weather. I'll just be walking, see ya there weather.
It was just a sprinkle, a few drops and then nothing. But the mosquitoes were like "That's my cue," and suddenly hatched in the thousands.
We got to camp after sunset, by a nice clear lake that was calm except for some fish jumping.
Also, I did pack out the aforementioned peanut butter and sugar-free icing, which I am eating as a combo on a spoon. It is excellent.
Total trail mileage: 2321.4 miles / 3735.1 km
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