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Day 129

Day 129

Distance hiked today: 26 miles / 41.8 km.

I hit 2500 miles today. We've been doing 25-27 miles per day pretty steady in Washington, usually hiking from 7am to 8 or 8:30pm. It seems like no matter how many miles we decide to do, we end up at camp around the same time. My goal is always to get there before dark, so I'll adjust what time I get up or how long my breaks are throughout the day. I can pretty much predict my pace based on the elevation profile, and know what time I'll be there.

Today the trail had some really steep uphills, which is quite a bit more difficult. Usually on the long and gradual switchbacks I can keep a steady pace all day, but with steep inclines I need to pause more often.

We had to cross a pretty big river, and found a log to walk across (a bit slippery), then jump to a large boulder. Two-Mile has been hiking around us since he's at the same pace, and all three of us made it across.

There were a few big blowdowns that were hard to climb over, and the trail was very overgrown in sections and a bit washed out. I get whipped in the face by bushes as I push through them and try to keep an eye on the trail, which occasionally has fallen away because the hillside is steep. Some great blueberry bushes also lined the trail in spots.

I came across a baby chipmunk laying in the middle of the trail that seemed hurt - it couldn't walk and had its eyes closed, and it just wriggled around slowly. I don't know if it fell out of a tree or was sick, but it was so cute 😥. I scooped it up on a piece of bark and moved it off the trail, hoping it's mom would find it.

I'm realizing I don't have enough food, and the deficit is adding up each day. I'm really hungry but have to ration everything to last me 3 more days.

We camped on top of Fire Creek Pass, which ended up being my #1 camp spot of the trail. Pictures can't do it justice, but we had 360 degree views of the mountains which were particularly majestic here, and an amazing colorful sunset in the West which also turned the clouds pink in the East. It was calm, not even a breeze, and the stars were bright.

Total trail mileage: 2520.5 miles / 4055.5 km

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