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Day 48

Day 48

Distance hiked today: 19.2 miles / 30.9 km.

We've been spoiled again with a calm night, allowing a decent night's sleep.

We headed to Chicken Spring Lake for lunch. In 2019 the lake was completely snow covered, so it was cool to see it open and snow-free - the water level was even quite low. We weren't ambitious enough to go for a swim, but washed our feet and sat on the beach.

The trail continued through the forest on sandy ground. Lots of large trees have fallen down, and some lay partially fallen on other trees. It's hard to tell if the forest is unhealthy or if it's just a rough go to grow in these parts. Some trees are huge at their base, while new saplings sprout where the snow leaves the most moisture.

We passed beautiful meadows, with bits of green grass growing through the sand, and lots of large rock formations. We camped on a flat plateau, protected by the mountain and trees around it.

Colin's legs are holding up pretty well, and it's nice to have a hiking partner again!

Total trail mileage: 758.5 miles / 1220.4 km

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