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Day 54

Day 54

Distance hiked today: 20.3 miles / 32.7 km.

Our tent was icy in the morning, the condensation and dew frozen to it. The lake was still, like glass, reflecting the mountains glowing in the morning sun.

The day was filled with rivers, creeks, and partially frozen lakes. The rivers are raging with fresh snow melt, running down smooth sheets of rock like a waterslide. A deadly one… We were able to cross them by rock hoping or crossing on downed logs. Some were higher consequence if you did fall in, and some of the other hikers preferred to walk across in the water. But I go to great lengths to keep my feet dry, and so far so good! There was even a neat (and wobbly) suspension bridge over one of the rivers.

The wildlife was out today, with a ton of huge marmots running around, deer munching on the grass without paying us much mind, and tiny birds hoping across the snow. 

A looong climb led to the top of Pinchot Pass, with partially frozen lakes on the other side. It was a mellow pass in comparison to the others, not too steep and most of the snow melted.

At the last river crossing before camp, Colin tried a rock hoping route but one of the rocks moved, and he ended up with wet feet. I opted to continue upstream and found a different place to jump across on the rocks, staying dry!

We passed the 800 mile marker today, and camped 3 miles from Mather Pass, ready to take it on in the morning.

Total trail mileage: 813.8 miles / 1309.4 km


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