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Day 62

Day 62

Distance hiked today: 17.1 miles / 27.5 km.

Around lunchtime we reached Tuolumne Meadows, and walked down the road to the small store. Hikers gather around picnic tables outside, and some try to hitchhike to Yosemite Valley from here. We decided not to go to the Valley, hoping to make a real trip there someday with our rock climbing gear to fully experience it. First priority: walking to Canada.

The trail followed a huge river leading to Tuolumne Falls, luckily with bridges to cross the raging waters, and with glimpses of the sheer granite faces of Yosemite. A day hiker passed with his arm in a sling made with his rain jacket, looking bloodied and a bit bruised. He'd somehow fallen and dislocated his shoulder, and was "walking it out" back to the parking lot. Yikes. It reminds me that it doesn't take much to get seriously injured out here - something as simple as a misplaced foot.

We set up camp and headed down the trail a bit to the base of another waterfall for dinner. I dipped in the river, and Colin built two loungers with rocks so we could watch the whitewater. Colin really dislikes sitting on the ground and will never miss an opportunity to sit comfortably.

Here we "put on the nature channel" as we call it - if you sit relatively quietly for a long time looking out at nature, that's when the nature channel happens and you see things you would otherwise miss if you were passing by or not paying attention. We do this often on our trips and have seen really cool things. On today's episode, a small fish was trying to jump up the waterfall! It would jump up maybe 4 or 5 feet near the edge of the falls, flop around on the rock, only to be washed back down by the huge water flow. The waterfall was at least 2 storeys high so… he had a long ways to go, but how does a fish know that? He had to give it a try, and we applauded his effort.

I packed out some keto brownie mix, which I've been mixing a few spoonfuls at a time with a bit of water for some extra calories. Today we made mini cupcakes, adding brownie mix on top of a sugar free peanut butter cup. Chef Nugget is setting the bar high.

Total trail mileage: 948.3 miles / 1525.8 km

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