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Day 7

Day 7

Distance hiked today: 5.9 miles / 9.5 km.

The small town of Julian filled with thru-hikers and their tell-tale backpacks around noon, taking over the main street benches while they wait for a ride or do their shopping. Tourists walk by wondering what this strange convention is about, and some ask what we're up to only to be even more confused by the answer and tell us we have a "long way to go".

Each hiker gets a free slice of homemade pie and ice cream at Mom's Pies. The grocery store has a banner welcoming PCT hikers - the owner said she gets 50 hikers come through every day. The gear shop stocks everything a PCT hiker might need - although lacking in women's gear. After getting some supplies, snatching the only pair of insoles smaller than a size 11, and packing up, I got a ride back to the trail from a trail angel at 3pm.

The hike out of Scissors Crossing is uphill for a long time and known to be hot, but we had a lot of wind to keep us cool. I hiked 5.9 miles / 9.5 km with Old Yeller before stopping for dinner, and although we intended to walk another 3 miles we decided to camp there and find shelter from the wind. Which isn't really possible, but it was less exposed than some tent sites perched along the switchbacks. Other hikers caught up and pitched their tents, and we watched the full moon rise before retiring for the night.

Total trail mileage: 83.1 miles / 133.7 km.

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