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Day 114

Day 114

Distance hiked today: 12.9 miles / 20.8 km.
Washington begins! We took our time this morning though, and didn't leave town until the afternoon. We got our packages at the post office - I got food and new shoes, my 5th and final pair. I wore out my last pair in 16 days… with nearly 500 miles.
Giggles got her food box that was forwarded from Crater Lake. It had a block of cheese in it, now almost 2 weeks old out of the fridge, but she packed it out anyways. So far so good.
The iconic Bridge of the Gods is the border crossing into Washington. There's no pedestrian walkway, so we walk on the edge as two lanes of traffic dodge us. The floor of the bridge is metal grate that you can see through - weird to walk on. Giggles was still finishing her massive ice cream cone and I was trying to hold onto my hat and take photos. After some obligatory photos with the Washington sign, we headed into the bush.
It was pretty normal bush so far… green, lots of trees, not much to see. But the dense and lush life of the forest is beautiful, especially in contrast to the dry burn areas I've walked through so much. It did open up for a nice sunset view, and we can still see Mt Hood in the distance. 
Total trail mileage: 2160.9 miles / 3476.9 km
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