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Day 134

Day 134

Distance hiked today: 22.7 miles / 36.5 km.

I got up early and hiked 5.7 miles to Hart's Pass where I was meeting up with Giggles, and where Colin is joining me to tag the terminus. My tent was a wet and muddy mess, and weighed triple what it should. But I was above the clouds on the mountain, and the view was incredible with the clouds inverted in the valley and the sun coming up. I stopped to take it all in - I'm gonna miss this trail, and part of me wishes it wasn't over soon. But another part of me will be glad to have a bed, and not have to walk.

As I descended to Hart's Pass I ended up in the cloud and everything was damp and shrouded in white fog. I found Giggles, and Colin had just arrived with our van. I've been eating more of my snacks because I knew he was coming with more, so I'm glad he made it up the rough and narrow road to the pass.

We made eggs and bacon, and hung out in the parking lot for a while with Giggles' friend (Little Spoon) who'd also driven up to visit. I dried out my tent and socks, and Giggles crushed Fanta like there was literally no tomorrow.

We left in the late morning and hiked 17 miles to Rock Pass to camp. Caboose (Colin) is back on the trail!

Throughout the day hikers passed us going south who have reached the border and are on their way back. We congratulate each other on finishing.

Our campsite was awesome, right on the pass with a great view.

Total trail mileage: 2640 miles / 4247.8 km

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