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Day 22

Day 22

Zero miles.

We took a rest day in Big Bear to resupply. It's a nice small town with a more touristy downtown, reminding me of Banff as we walk the streets past small shops and restaurants.

The hostel is mostly filled with hikers, with laundry (that actually worked), a hiker box, gathering rooms, kitchen, and a pool table.

Yogi is the resident dog that greets guests and hangs out for the pets.

I pre-washed my clothing in the sink, which instantly turned the water brown.

After breakfast at the hostel (leftover Himalayan food for me since they ran out of eggs), we walked to the bus stop and waited for the free bus to the other end of town where the grocery store is. We got as many snacks as we could from the dollar store first, then got more food at the grocery store. I was excited to find some sugar free ice cream, since everyone else had picked up Ben and Jerry's pints the night before, and I ate half of it at the bus stop.

Back at the hostel I transferred fuel from mostly empty cans in the hiker box into mine with my nifty adapter, and we moved our things from the camping out back into our bunks. We went for dinner and ran into others that we've met on trail.

Sometimes there's loaner clothes available at hotels and places we stay, a box of random clothing for hikers to wear while doing their laundry. I carry a town dress for this purpose, and in addition to wearing it with long johns when it's cold, I've upgraded recently to toe socks for my sock liners which pair perfectly with my hiker-box flip-flops. I find this is really the primary benefit of toe socks - that way I can avoid wearing my runners as much as possible off trail, and it's handy for cool nights on trail too.

After dinner we put our feet in the small hot tub in the hostel yard while finishing our ice cream.

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