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Day 89

Day 89

Distance hiked today: 27 miles / 43.4 km.

Today I took a total of 1 picture, which was of Mt. Shasta reaching high above everything around it at 14,180 ft.
It was sunny and hot, mostly walking through trees. There's been slightly less water on this stretch so I've had to carry more, but usually not more than 2L which is nothing compared to the 5L desert water carries, so I can't complain.
The elevation has been more mellow so I've been able to walk faster, and I arrived at camp at 5:45pm which has to be a record. I definitely could have hiked more, and certainly had time, but it was also nice to actually get to camp early and have time to hang out. Usually I arrive just before dark, set up, eat, and straight to bed. Today I enjoyed having a tiny bit of free time on trail, even if I just laid in my tent!
The campsite was full with 7 or 8 tents, and most of us had dinner together. I've been keeping pace with MacGuyver, Sticks, and Walker. I'm not sure where all the people came from all of a sudden - I've been hiking alone for weeks, seeing a few people during the day and maybe one or two tents some nights, but often camping alone. I'm sure we've been close to each other the whole time, moving at a similar pace just a few miles or half a day apart.
Total trail mileage: 1463.9 miles / 2355.4 km
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